Peugeot 406

Since 1996 of release

Repair and car operation

Peugeot 406
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. The engine
+ 4. Systems of cooling, heating and ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Ignition system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Power shafts
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A suspension bracket and a steering
+ 12. A body
- 13. An electric equipment
   13.1. Technical data
   13.2. Detection of not closed chain
   13.3. Safety locks and the relay
   13.4. Switches
   13.5. Bulbs of external illumination
   13.6. Lamps of illumination of salon
   13.7. Devices of external illumination
   13.8. Adjustment of light of headlights
   13.9. A combination of devices
   13.10. The multipurpose display
   13.11. Прикуриватель
   13.12. Hours
   13.13. A sound signal
   13.14. The screen wiper lever
   13.15. The screen wiper and draught engine
   13.16. A back screen wiper
   13.17. Стеклоомыватель
   13.18. An automobile radio tape recorder
   13.19. A column (dynamics)
   13.20. The aerial
   13.21. A cruise-control control system
   13.22. Anticreeping system and an engine immobilizer
   13.23. Electric units of forward sitting
   13.24. A safety pillow
   13.25. Elements of a pillow of safety
   + 13.26. Electric schemes
+ 14. The basic malfunctions

13.17. Стеклоомыватель Removal and installation

Washer tank
1. The tank стеклоомывателя is located behind the right forward wing. In a motor compartment uncover a jellied mouth and unscrew a jellied mouth from a washer tank (the nut of fastening of a mouth is specified by an arrow).
2. Lift a forward part of the car and fix on supports. Remove the right forward wheel. Unscrew screws and remove the loose leaf of an arch of a wheel.
3. Merge a liquid from a tank for what take a rubber stopper in the tank basis. After вытекания liquids from a tank establish a stopper into place.
4. Release collars and disconnect hoses (1) from the washer pump. Disconnect an electric socket (2) from the pump of a washer and the gauge of level of a liquid.
5. Unscrew a bolt (it is specified by an arrow) fastenings of the top part of a tank and remove a tank.

The prevention

In connection with limitation of space for unscrewing of a bolt of fastening of a tank, probably, it is necessary to remove a headlight.

6. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal.
The washer pump
7. Disconnect from the pump an electric socket and a hose of giving of a liquid. Merge a liquid from a tank.
8. Separate the pump from a tank and remove a sealing ring.
9. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal. Establish a new sealing ring of the pump.
The gauge of level of a liquid in a washer tank
10. Lift a forward part of the car and fix on supports. Remove the right forward wheel. Unscrew screws and remove the loose leaf of an arch of a wheel.
11. Disconnect an electric socket from the gauge of level of a liquid in a tank of a washer and take the gauge from a tank. Remove a sealing ring.
12. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal. Establish a new sealing ring of the gauge.
Windscreen washers
13. Open a cowl and disconnect hoses from a windscreen washer. Press скобы fastenings and take a washer from a cowl.
14. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal. Check up a direction of a stream of the liquid submitted a nozzle of a washer on a windscreen.
Washer of a back door
15. Open a back door, unscrew screws and remove a spoiler from the top part of a back door.
16. Disconnect a hose of a washer and remove it from a spoiler.
17. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal.
Washer of headlights
18. Remove a forward bumper.
19. Disconnect a hose from a washer, unscrew screws of fastening and remove a washer of a headlight from a bumper.
20. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal.